Why do you ask for professional references? How do I add references to my profile?

We ask for professional references from talent to give employers a well-rounded view of your skills and experience on GloballyHired. References offer an external validation of your work ethic, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, further adding credibility to your profile.

Employers often need these references to make informed hiring decisions and check them before extending a job offer. Preparing your references in advance ensures no delay in your candidacy when your dream opportunity arises.

How to add professional references
  1. To add professional references to your profile, go to Account SettingsMy references.

Image shows the References tab of the talent's account settings where they can  click + Add new reference to enter contact information for their professional references. When added, a brief survey is sent to the reference contact to complete on the talent's behalf.

  1. Next to the reference number meter, click on + Add new reference.
  2. Enter the reference’s name, the company where you worked together, and their job title during your collaboration. You’ll also need to provide their email address, specify your role at the time, indicate whether they were a direct manager or a co-worker, and include the start and end dates of your collaboration.

Image shows the fields that are required to enter professional references in the talent profile: reference name, company, reference title, refence email, work relationship, and start and end dates of collaboration. Talent can enter references in the References tab of  Account Settings.

  1. To proceed, review and accept the terms and conditions for adding references and click Save changes.
  2. We’ll contact the reference(s) you provided and ask them to complete a brief reference survey on your behalf. Once they’ve completed it, you can view their scores in the References tab of your Account Settings.

Visit our Help Center to learn more about how we conduct and display references on your talent profile.