My profile How do I apply for jobs on GloballyHired? How do I apply on GloballyHired? What size image or type should I upload? I’m having trouble adding an image. Why do I have to upload a profile photo? Does it have to be an image of me? Do I have to add professional references? How do I hide my profile from employers? Why do you ask for professional references? How do I add references to my profile? What is Veriff? And what will I be asked? What questions will my references be asked? How can I update my information? How will my references show up on my profile & who will see them? Qualifications vs. key skills. What’s the difference? How do I update my talent profile? What happens if I switch my status to Passively looking or Not looking? Which of my talent profile details are visible to employers? What should I write under “Introduce yourself”? What should I put as my profile headline? Why does my profile need approval?