Can I have multiple temporary part-time jobs with GloballyHired?

Temporary/interim W-2 contractors can hold multiple part-time jobs through the GloballyHired platform. However, it’s crucial to manage your hours effectively to avoid exceeding the 40-hour per week maximum total across your active temporary/interim part-time roles and triggering overtime.

If you haven’t already, be sure to update your talent profile on the platform accordingly to be considered for temporary/interim work:

  1. Go to Account Settings > Employment preferences

Talent can update employment preferences in account settings

  1. Navigate to the Employment type field and select Temporary/Interim.
  2. Next, scroll down to Working days and specify your availability. You can select up to 6 working days per week.

While engaging with potential employers in your meetings and conversations, transparency about your existing commitments on GloballyHired and current schedule is important to align expectations. Be sure to clearly communicate your scheduling preferences and any potential conflicts.

Our platform also monitors your active temporary/interim part-time role(s). When future employers extend temporary part-time offers, we inform them of your remaining availability if you have any active part-time assignment(s) through GloballyHired. This helps them adjust the work schedule terms on the offer as needed to prevent overlap and ensure compliance with the 40-hour maximum weekly limit.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage multiple temporary part-time jobs on GloballyHired with ease and efficiency.