Where can I find & manage my interviews with employers?

  1. To manage interviews with employers, click on the Interviews option in the top navigation from your Dashboard.

Image of GloballyHired's top navigation menu on the app. Navigate to the Interviews tab to manage your interviews with employers.

  1. On the Interviews page, you will see all your interviews grouped together. Use the menu on the left side to see new requests and upcoming interviews or view by status (pending, accepted, declined, canceled). You may also filter by month/year or search by position or employer name.

Image shows the Interviews tab in a job seeker account on GloballyHired. The tab  shows the list of all interviews with employers and are sorted by status.

Respond to a new interview requests
  1. Go to the New Requests section and select Choose date & time on a specific interview.

Image shows the Interviews section of a talent account on GloballyHired. Talent can sort interviews by new requests and respond back to employers to schedule or decline the interview.

  1. A pop-up will appear with the interview request details. You can choose one of the proposed times from the employer or schedule directly via the employer’s Calendly link provided. If scheduling manually, select a time and click Confirm to accept the interview. The interview status will change to Accepted.

Image shows what the Interview details pop-up looks like for a talent scheduling an interview manually by selecting one of the employer's proposed times vs. scheduling the interview with employer via a Calendly link.

  1. If none of the times fit your schedule, select ‘None of these times work for me‘. Click the Propose new time button, and you will be redirected to the Message Center to coordinate a new time with the employer. The interview status will change to Pending.

Image shows the message on next actions when a talent responds "None of the times work for me" to the interview request from the employer on GloballyHired. Talent in instructed to message the employer via the Message Center to coordinate a new time.

You will be notified when the employer sends an interview request with the new time. Be sure to confirm the request to accept and schedule the interview officially.

  1. If you do not want to accept the interview request, click the Decline button and submit your reason/additional comments to the employer. The interview status will change to Declined.

Image shows the pop-up that appears when the talent declines an interview on GloballyHired. The pop-up prompts talent to indicate their reason for declining their interview (for example, timing/accepted another offer) and optionally any additional comments to the employer.

Manage accepted interviews
  1. Go to the Accepted tab of the Interviews section and click on a specific interview to view details. A pop-up will appear with the option to request rescheduling or to decline the interview.

Image shows an example of what the talent sees on GloballyHired when they click to view details of a scheduled interview. The talent can request to reschedule the interview or decline it.

  1. Click the Reschedule button and confirm the action. You will be redirected to the Message Center to coordinate a new time with the employer. The interview status will change to Pending.
  2. You will be notified when the employer updates and sends the interview request with the new time. Be sure to confirm the request to schedule the interview officially.
  3. If an interview changes to Canceled status, this means that the employer has canceled the scheduled interview on their end.