Do I have to add professional references?

Adding references is optional when you join our platform and create a profile. However, including them can significantly enhance your candidacy by providing employers with valuable insights into your work history and skills. This is especially beneficial for new users who may not have prior employer reviews from previous projects through GloballyHired, and for any candidate looking to make a standout impression. Completing references earns you a “References checked” badge on your profile, signaling to employers that they are available and portraying you as more prepared for potential opportunities.

Employers may also request references at any stage of the hiring process, specifying the type required (manager, direct report, or co-worker) directly on the platform. Rest assured, we’ll notify you if such a request is made. However, you can proactively prevent potential hiring delays for future roles by securing references now. Should you encounter any difficulties providing requested references, it’s advisable to communicate with the employer for alternative solutions.

In most cases, we only need to check your references once, unless an employer requires additional numbers of references. It’s not uncommon for candidates solely interested in direct-hire opportunities to wait until they are under serious consideration before adding their references. Nevertheless, including references in your profile can be a powerful move to further pique employers’ interest in your candidacy. We leave it up to you to determine the opportune moment to initiate the reference checking process.