Why do I have to upload a profile photo? Does it have to be an image of me?

GloballyHired requires users to upload a profile photo when creating an account, but this photo doesn’t necessarily have to be an image of you. While a photo is mandatory, you have the freedom to choose what kind of image you upload. Here’s some guidance on selecting the right photo:

  • Comfort and Personalization: Upload an image only if you’re comfortable doing so. Your photo can be anything that relates to you and your job search.
  • Suggestions: If you prefer not to use a headshot or image of yourself, consider other options such as:
    • An image of your name or a personal logo
    • A custom avatar
    • An image reflecting your personal brand
    • A picture that represents your candidacy, such as a snapshot of your city, a nature scene, or a hobby or activity that showcases your experience

The more personal and representative your profile is, the more likely employers are to engage with your talent. To upload or change your photo, simply click on your profile picture at the top right of the screen.

Please avoid using images where copyrights are a concern or photos of people other than yourself.