How do I save profiles to my existing automated searches?

  1. From your Dashboard, in the top navigation bar, click on Find Talent.

Navigate to the Find Talent tab to start new talent searches, and access automated searches and favorite talent.

  1. In the Your current search tab, hover over the talent profile preview and click View profile.

Click the 'View profile' button to pull up the talent's full profile.

  1. Click the Save to search button below the talent’s name.

Save talent profiles to a new or existing automated search.

  1. From the pop-up, choose an existing automated search (or create a new one). Click Assign on the bottom right corner to save the candidate to this search.

Save a talent profile to an existing automated search folder, or create a new one.

  1. To access all your automated searches, you can go to Find Talent > Automated Searches tab.

Manage all of your search folders in the Automated Searches tab under Find Talent.