Can I revise or withdraw an offer after it’s been sent to a candidate?

Yes, you can revise or withdraw an offer after it’s been sent to a candidate. 

First login to GloballyHired and navigate to My Hires > Offers tab. There you’ll be able to view all the candidates who have been sent offers to-date:

Offers tab

Select the talent whose offer you want to change, and select either Revise offer or Withdraw offer

Revise offer or Withdraw offer

If you select, Revise offer, you can adjust whatever portion of the offer you’d like to edit. 

If you select, Withdraw offer, you will be asked for a reason. 

Here are the reason options:

  1. Reference check issues: Upon conducting a thorough reference check, information discovered raises concerns about the talent’s suitability for the role.
  2. Flagged background check: During the background check process, legal or compliance issues were identified that preclude the talent from being hired.
  3. License or certification issue: A routine verification of the talent’s credentials revealed that the required licenses or certifications are expired, invalid, or falsely claimed. 
  4. Rescinded by candidate: The talent withdrew their acceptance verbally or via email/message instead of using the app’s “decline” button.
  5. Business needs shifted: Business requirements or priorities have changed.
  6. Candidate fit: After careful consideration, you have determined that the talent does not align with the role or the team as expected.
  7. Internal candidate: You decided to hire, promote, or task the project to an already existing team member.
  8. Budget constraints: The hire was cancelled due to financial considerations.
  9. Delayed project: The project the talent was hired for has been postponed or canceled.
  10. Other

You will have the opportunity to include a message for the talent.