How do I reset my password?

There are two ways to reset your password on GloballyHired:

Reset password from the Sign-In page

  1. From the Sign-in page, select Forgot your password?
  2. Enter the email linked to your account and click Reset. You will then receive an email from GloballyHired with a link to reset it.
  3. Clicking the link provided in the email will open a new page. Create your new password and repeat it on the next line. Save password to confirm.

Reset password in your Account Settings

  1. Log in to your GloballyHired account.
  2. Head to your Account Settings > Security & privacy.
  3. You’ll need to enter your current password and your desired new password. Then confirm your new password and hitĀ Save changes.

Password Guidelines

Be sure to double-check that your password includes the following:

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • At least 1 uppercase letter
  • At least 1 lowercase letter
  • At least 1 number
  • At least 1 special case character (!,@,#,$,%,&, etc.)