How do I reset my password?
There are two ways to reset your password on GloballyHired:
Reset password from the Sign-In page
- From the Sign-in page, select Forgot your password?
- Enter the email linked to your account and click Reset. You will then receive an email from GloballyHired with a link to reset it.
- Clicking the link provided in the email will open a new page. Create your new password and repeat it on the next line. Save password to confirm.
Reset password in your Account Settings
- Log in to your GloballyHired account.
- Head to your Account Settings > Security & privacy.
- You’ll need to enter your current password and your desired new password. Then confirm your new password and hitĀ Save changes.
Password Guidelines
Be sure to double-check that your password includes the following:
- Minimum 8 characters
- At least 1 uppercase letter
- At least 1 lowercase letter
- At least 1 number
- At least 1 special case character (!,@,#,$,%,&, etc.)