How do I favorite talent profiles and organize them for review?

  1. To favorite talent profiles, head over to the app’s Top Navigation > Find talent.

Image of GloballyHired's top navigation menu on the app. Navigate to the Find Talent tab to start new talent searches, and access automated searches and favorite talent.

  1. From the Your current search tab, filter and explore our local to national talent pool. You can view profiles of Talent who are actively or passively looking for opportunities.
  2. Once you’ve found promising candidates, there are two ways to save them in the Favorite tab:
    1. From the search results, click the star icon on the top-right corner of the talent’s preview.

Image shows how an Employer can save their favorite profiles by clicking the star icon from the search results under Your current search tab.

    1. From the individual talent profile, click the star icon in the top right corner of their profile photo.

Image shows the top of a talent profile where an employer can click the star icon to save profile to a folder in their Favorite talent tab.

A filled-in star indicates that the talent profile has been saved to your favorites. 

  1. A pop-up will prompt you to add the candidate to an existing or default folder, or you can create a new one. Customize folder names by roles, skill sets, or specific departments and teams.

Image shows the pop-up that appears when an employer favorites a talent profile to save to a designated folder in the Favorite talent tab.

  1. Head over to Find Talent > Favorite talent tab to view your favorite profiles organized by folder.

Image shows example of what an Employer sees when they go to access the talent profiles they saved in folders under Favorite talent tab.

  1. To remove profiles, select the names within the list and click “Remove selected from favorites.”

Image shows a list of talent profiles that was saved in the Marketing Strategist folder under the Favorite talent tab. Employer can manage their favorite profiles and remove them from their folders as needed.

Or, click the star icon from the talent preview or their full profile to “unfavorite” them. You can also click the three dots in their full profile to open the option to unfavorite talent.

Image shows star icon on the right corner of the photo of the talent's profile where employers can un-click the star icon to remove a talent from their favorites. Employer can also click the three-dot icon to remove talent from their favorites.