Do you have a refund policy or guarantee?

Talent can find work on our platform at no cost. Employers can hire talent for the listed hourly rates, though there are no guarantees for temporary work requests or hiring outcomes. Employers decide whom to hire and assess the quality of the talent independently. There is also no guarantee for talent converted to direct employees.

We offer a 30-day direct hire guarantee. If the client terminates the talent’s employment or if the talent terminates their employment within the first 30 days, GloballyHired (GH) will provide a platform credit equal to the original direct hire fee paid. This credit can be used for new direct hires or conversion fees from temporary to permanent employment but cannot be applied to temporary hours or refunded. This guarantee covers individual performance-related terminations and does not apply to layoffs. Clients must initiate the credit request within 14 days of the termination and use the credit within 180 days of the termination date.