How do I apply for jobs on GloballyHired?

Great question! We know our concept is new and reshapes the traditional job seeker experience. We’d love to take the opportunity to share more about what happens once you create a great talent profile on GloballyHired!

As a job seeker, your talent profile on our platform serves as your resume. Our design focuses on making your profile effective and easily accessible to potential employers. When building your profile make sure to do the following:

  • Craft a compelling profile summary that tells your story and is specific to the kinds of roles you’re interested in.
  • Utilize each field as an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications to attract future employers.
  • Keep your experience concise and relevant to the job titles you’re interested in.

We’re continually making improvements to the talent profile piece of our platform to help you showcase yourself even better!

How we’re different

Once you create your profile, you’re set! That’s it! You don’t need to apply for jobs on our platform. In fact, there aren’t jobs posted on our platform. This means:

  • You don’t need to reach out to a recruiter or a hiring manager.
  • Instead, employers who are on our platform have open jobs and will create talent searches based on those jobs.
  • When any of the items they search – job titles, qualifications, skills, keywords, location, etc. – match with your talent profile, that’s when the magic happens!

In other words, work is happening behind the scenes, and your only job is to sit back and wait for an employer to reach out to you.

You see, we wanted to transform the jobseeker experience. We want to save your precious time. At GloballyHired, you don’t have to submit dozens or even hundreds of applications. Our platform is designed to bring opportunities to you. As you complete all the steps to fill out your profile and make it as compelling as you can, you will be surprised with the response from potential employers!

Our goal is to facilitate your next career move.

Interested in more tips on how to optimize your talent profile? Check out this helpful video!

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